Nuclear Throne is a bullet hell roguelike video game developed by Vlambeer. It's highly addictive and has endless playability because it has a different maps every time you play it.
I wanteded to try an implement something similar to this.
I start with an empty matrix for the grid, and variables for the room width and height.
A tile can be of three types - Empty, floor, wall.
Then I'm using process where create a struct called walker which has a vector for its direction and its position.
The next step is to setup the room and create a given number of walker.
The walkers randomly move or change direction or die.
Then if the room is filled above a cetrain percentage all the walkers are killed
Then floor tiles are placed at every position of a walker has been on. Then a wall tile is placed in the empty adjacent position of every floor
Procedural generation adds so much more content to a game, but it needs to be done properly otherwise you're just choosing quantity over quality (Hand crafted levels)
This was just to learn, I would love to explore other methods of Procedural generation for my own games.